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Hosted Disaster Recovery Site Service

Complementing the Database/Disk Group Validation Services , the OnBase Hosted Disaster Recovery Site  Service is ideal for customers who cannot afford even the brief downtime associated with restoring a database. The fastest option for making OnBase available to users after a disaster, OnBase Hosted Disaster Recovery Site Service replicates an organisation's OnBase system in virtually real time. In the event of a disaster, users can immediately access OnBase via the Web simply by changing their URLs.

Unlike other replication technologies, the OnBase Hosted Disaster Recovery Site is specifically developed to maintain an OnBase solution and leverages the OnBase Disk Group and volume capabilities. Most replication technology works on the block level, writing a portion of the disk as opposed to just the updated files. This method increases the likelihood that a corruption could also be replicated.

Using OnBase volume technology, once a volume is promoted, all updates are made automatically on a file-to-file basis, so no corruptions are replicated. As an additional layer of assurance, databases and Disk Groups are validated on a quarterly basis to ensure the data and documents are available. In the unlikely event that the connection between the customer site and the OnBase Hosted Disaster Recovery Site lapses, the replication technology will monitor what data has been synchronized to assure a complete update when the connection is re-established.